Change Thinking Changes Everything (A must for every DC & Student) MP3
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Dr. Herb Hender was dean of the PSC in the fifties. It was at this time I attended Palmer and was able to listen to Dr. Hender. He was strong on chiropracTIC philosophy and a close confidant of B.J. Palmer. He was also very active with Clearview Sanitarium, a mental institution which B.J. controlled. Chiropractic adjustments were given to the patients with well documented results.
Dr. Hender was aware of the many problems that chiropractic faced educationally and politically. What Dr. Hender hard to say in the 50's, is even more pertinent today.
With Chiropractors NOW attempting to add drugs to the practice of chiropractic and THE abandonment of the "innate philosophy" it is imperative that we in chiropracTIC...CHANGE the way we THINK and become ACTIVELY ENGAGED in chiropracTIC.
Life University and Life West College of Chiropractic will continue to lead the chiropracTIC profession without compromise. I ask for your support. Remember. Change Thinking Changes Everything!
-Dr. Chuck Ribley