The Personality of Innate | How to Contact Innate | Innate & Health MP3
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by, B.J. Palmer DC, Ph.C.
Narrated by Dr. Chuck Ribley
"The same source from which came all those great, grand and glorious things manifested by Christ, came from ABOVE-DOWN, INSIDE-OUT WITHIN Christ, THE SAME source is resident in all of everybody." -B.J. Palmer
B.J. Palmer, at the age of seventeen, awoke to a realization of "that something" which he called INNATE. He spent a life in search of a greater understanding of Innate.
In the search, B.J. traveled around the world, writing thirty some books and manuscripts yet to be published.
He claimed to be the first person ever to scientifically demonstrate innate thought flashes with the use of the electroencephloneurmentempograph, an instrument which he had developed for that purpose.
You will learn from B.J. the following:
- The personality of Innate
- How to contact Innate
- Innate and health
"All any man has to do is GO UPSTAIRS IN HIS GARRET to find everything he spiritually wants and needs." - B.J. Palmer